You’re ready to stop being in the WRONG relationships and find the RIGHT kind of love

private 1:1 coaching for women


 Right now, you’re struggling with:

Falling in love with “potential” and falling hard too easily and too quickly.

  • Only seeing what you want to see in partners, ignoring all warning signs

  • Not being able to let go of someone once you’ve bonded (even when it hurts you)

  • Being the only one “in love” in some of your relationships

  • Being in relationships where you take on more than your share of the responsibility for the relationship’s survival

  • Sometimes pushing away the people who want to love you

  • Dealing with the shame and overwhelm of being in relationships that don’t treat you in the way you deserve



  • Just cutting the person off and going into no contact

  • Therapy and working with relationship “experts”

  • Going to 12 step meetings for codependency and/or love addiction

  • Trying to pray and fast it away

  • Asking your girlfriends to hold you accountable 

  • Swearing off relationships and vowing to be alone


Coaching is your next step to get you off the hamster wheel of failed attempts to break the cycle

Private coaching is best for women ready to take action and move forward to make change.

I combine my background from my 12 year experience of being a trauma focused & licensed therapist and my proven model that works to help women heal from the symptoms of love addiction and love avoidance to help you build a healthy relationship with yourself and connect to healthy others.

How Working with Me is Different

As a former therapist, I know exactly how to help women pinpoint the exact root of their relationship and self love mindblocks.

However, as a coach, I am able to give direct, specific, and practical next steps to help every woman from the over analyzing perfectionist to the warm hearted codependent get out of her stuckness and make the right next steps for her to break the cycle of relationships that go nowhere and codependence that keeps her stuck.

My clients remark that within the FIRST SESSION they have had more revelations than they have had previously in YEARS of therapy due to my unique and intuitive approach.

I also believe in the power of soft accountability and support, so you are also free to ask for support and receive validation in between our sessions so that you can stay on track and know that you are going in the right direction to break away from headaches and get the relationships you want.

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 Clients who are the right fit

If you’d like to break the cycle of love addiction, love avoidance, and heal from the trauma that causes it, I’d love to help you get the love and relationships you want. But first, let’s make sure you’re the right fit:


my Clients who are the right fit are:

  • Interested in approaching their relationships differently

  • Ready to enact change after every session

  • Open to come with their homework done and ready to dive in (or open to talk about what got in the way)

  • Communicative when they are confused, feel stuck, or need help and support

  • Willing to see things they are sure of differently in case there is some hidden trauma keeping them stuck

  • Available to laugh at themselves and let me help you make this process easier

  • Prepared to improve their relationships with themselves and pursue more pleasure


What to Expect

Our first session..

After completing your new client questionnaire, we will meet for our first extended session online to talk through your story, your main pain points, and goals.

Coaching, different from therapy, allows us to jump straight into the solution. We will use this session to balance validating your experience, but also mapping out a clear action plan with next steps to help you meet your milestones.

You will leave with your first set of homework assignments and a library of additional tools if needed to supplement your next steps.

As a coaching student, you will also retain complimentary lifetime access to any tools or correlating programs you receive during this time to continue to help you grow.


We will meet biweekly to give you the space to practice what you are learning, try out new skills, and process your feelings before returning to refine and grow what you’ve created.

There is no need to get this perfect as I will be with you every step of the way to help you learn about red flags as they come up and the way your trauma pattern(s) may be sneakily getting in the way. We will identify and clear these issues out togther.

Extended Support

In between our sessions, you do not have to figure all of this out on your own. My coaching clients receive concierge support throughout the week via voice note and text for in the moment support, encouragement, and check in with what is going on. This support is super helpful to get coaching when triggered or after an upsetting situation and in need of help to be reminded of solutions and the tools learned.

So often we are able to talk through and clear out any trauma roots, past relationship blocks, and help you feel more positive and self assured in a matter of minutes by connecting.


3 Month Package: $3,500

  • Onboarding 1 - hour session

  • Six additional 45 minute sessions + replays downloads and notes for homework and next steps

  • Concierge in the moment support in between sessions

  • Complimentary lifetime enrollment to supplemental programs and curriculum according to client need

  • Option to extend package / add on sessions post package at alumni rate

Payment plans available